Rs.10,000 fine to be imposed for garbage dumping on road side



Garbage problem has been created by outsiders in the area of Mayamudi village in South Kodagu. It has been noticed that heaps of garbage brought from other towns is being dumped on the road side of Mayamudi village. Taking this seriously, the Gram Panchayat (GP) has warned that a fine of Rs.10,000 will be imposed on those who dump garbage.

After visiting the place where garbage was dumped, GP President Apattira S. Tatu Monnappa, informed that Mayamudi was a clean village but recently, heaps of garbage are being brought from other towns and dumping in the GP limits.

Tatu Monnappa also said that Kodagu is a very beautiful district with green environment and everyone needs to maintain the beauty of this district by giving importance to cleanliness. Tatu Monnappa requested that if every village is clean, the whole of Kodagu will be clean, so the public should join hands with the village council for a clean environment.

Garbages and plastic wastes lying on both sides of Channangolli to Konankatte road were cleaned with the help of MayamudiGP, Sri Kshetra Dharmasthala Village Development Yojana, Shaurya and Vipathu team.

Panchayat President Tatu Monnappa, Development Officer Ravi, Sri Kshetra Dharamsthal Village Development Project Mayamudi Zone Supervisor Danesh Kumar, Gram Panchayat Member K K Shabarish, staff Bananda Asha Sudan, T G Sachitha, and others participated in the cleaning programme.


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