N R Golf Open Championship 2025 Ranjith K.P excels



9th edition of NR open Golf Championship was recently  held on Meracara Downs Golf Course (MDGC. Around 99 golfers  from all over Karnataka participated in the tournament. Ranjith K.P with a score 76 Gross won the Open Strokeplay beating Ganapathy B.A with score of 79Gross.

The results of the tournament, detailed below

Open Strokeplay :Winner: Ranjith K.P 76 Gross

Runner Up:  Ganapathy B.A 79Gross

Handicap Strokeplay 0-18 Winner: Sanjay H.L 68Net

Runner Up: Anish K.A 71Net

Handicap Stableford 0-18 Winner: Dev Uthaiah 34

Runner Up: Akhil Muthanna 34

Handicap Stableford 19-24 Winner: Naveen B.K 35

Runner Up: Machaiah K.S 34

Seniors open Stroke play (above 60 years) Winner: Ganapathy B.A 79Gross

Runner Up: Kalaiah P.E 84Gross

Seniors Handicap Stableford (65 yrs & above) Winner: M.A.Ganesh 35

Runner Up: Harish Appanna K.M 33

Ladies Handicap Stableford  (Full Handicap)

Winner: Yuktha Janardhan 49

Runner Up: Priya Kushalappa 38

Team Event Handicap Stableford 0-24 Winners: Amruth Poovanna & Akhil Muthanna 69

Runners:  Dev Uthaiah & Bopanna K.M

Closest to the Pin: M.C.Nanjappa

Arjun Ranga, Chairman NR group  welcomed the gathering  and said he was happy to sponsor the 9th edition of the  tournament. Captain I.K. Anil addressed the gathering and honoured Arjun Ranga with ‘Kodava Sword’ of honour.

Hon Secretary Harish Appanna and tournament committee Chairman Ranjith Prasanna was also present on the dais.

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