Applications invited for direct interview on June 19



Yuva Spandana’ scheme, a State Government funded scheme, is being implemented in collaboration with Government of Karnataka, Department of Youth Empowerment and Sports, Institute of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology, Nimhans, Bangalore to provide comprehensive mental health services to youth. Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the office work under Development and Implementation to act as Youth Converter. 

Candidates between 21 to 35 years of age who have completed degree or above and can write and speak Kannada clearly and have interest and enthusiasm to work in the community, with good interpersonal skills, along with communication skills and who can travel in Kodagu district, with their bio data and marks card can directly attend interview on June, 19 at Department of Youth Empowerment and Sports, General Thimayya Stadium, Madikeri.

For any more information, contact Assistant Director, Youth Empowerment and Sports Department, General Thimmaiah Stadium, Kodagu, Tel. can be contacted on 08272-220986 said the Assistant Director of Youth Empowerment and Sports Department.

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