60% Kannada language is mandatory in the name boards of all establishments in Kodagu … DC



Speaking at the preliminary meeting held at Deputy Commissioner office hall, Kodagu Deputy Commissioner (DC) Dr Venkat Raja informed that 60% Kannada language is mandatory in the name boards of all shops, hotels, commercial complexes, industries, schools, colleges, government offices and tourism centers in the district.  DC further informed that in the background of the recent government notification that 60% Kannada must be included in the name boards in the district.  According to the comprehensive Development of Kannada Language (Amendment, law 2024) theGovernor has agreed on February 25th, 2024 that 60% of the name boards of industries, commercial establishments, transaction centers and enterprises in all the district should be Kannada.

D C gave clear direction that this act will be applicable to all the organizations which have received permission and sanction from the government or local authorities. He also informed that 60% Kannada language should be displayed/written above the name plates in all public places including private schools, colleges, hospitals, laboratories, recreation centers and hotels.  DC instructed concerned officials to visit in the border areas of the district, to implement   Kannada language as the first priority and also in private schools.

DC further informed that if this is not done, a fine of five thousand will be levied in the first stage and ten thousand in the second stage and then finally the license will be cancelled. The DC advised that 7 days time should be given to write/display the name plate. 

Speaking on the occasion ZP CEO Varnith Negi said that necessary action will be taken at GPand TP level, regarding 60% use of Kannada language in name boards.  

Urban level Project Director B.Basappa, Deputy Director of School Education and Literacy Department M. Chandrakanth, Municipal Council Environmental Engineer Soumya, various department officials were present on the occasion.

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