Coffee Cup-2025 was recently held at Coorg golf Links, Bitttangala.76 golfers from Kodagu, and Mysore took part in the popular Coffee Cup golf tournament in the District.
In a close contest Devaiah Uthaiah won the open event with a 78 gross beating Vikranth K U 79 gross.
The tournament sponsored by C B Devaiah,M M Thimmaiah
B Lokesh Muddaiah, P M Vishal Devaiah, CP Roshan Ganapathy, C Rakesh Poovaiah, C R Naj Chengappa, Maj. B A Nanjappa, Col K C Subbayya, Kanma Kalaiah and Vikas of Akshay Motors, Mysore were Co Sponsors of the tournament.
The results of the tournament, detailed below
Open Strokeplay over 18 holes Winner: Devaiah Uthaiah 78 gross
Runner-Up: Vikranth K U 79 gross
Handicap Strokeplay over 18 holes (0-18) Winner: Dr. Achaiah T N 75 net
Runner-Up: Bharat Chevur 71 net
Handicap Stableford over 18 holes (0-18) : Winner: Smaran Subash 32 points
Runner-Up: Harsha Poovaiah 32 points
Handicap Stableford over 18 holes (19-24) – Winner: Jeevan Belliappa 40 points
Runner-Up: Aiyanna M M 39 points
Handicap Stableford over 18 holes for Veterans (>65yrs)(0-24) – Winner: Capt Ganapathy T K 35 points
Runner-Up: B A Bopanna 33 points
Best Lady Golfer Handicap Stableford over 18 holes (0-24) – Winner: Priya Kushalappa
Golden Golfer Above 80 years (Handicap stableford Hole no (1-9) Winner: Ponnappa 12 points
Second Shot Closest to Pin – (1st HOLE) Winner: Vinay Natarajan
Closest to Pin – (11thHOLE) Winner: I K Ponnappa
Closest to Crooked line – (8th HOLE) Winner: Praveen Raju
Prizes distributed by Capt. Bharath Mandanna, Maj Nanjappa B A, and Vikash M J
Maj.Nanjappa was the chief guest of the event, Lt Col Bharat Chevur, Nanaiah
M I, Vikash M J were also present on the dais
Rakesh Poovaiah welcomed the gathering on behalf of the planters. Captain of CGL Bharath Mandanna also addressed the gathering,
Results were announced by Lt Col Bharat Chevur. Hon. Secretary M I Nanaiah rendered the vote of thanks.