World Brain Day celebrated



World Brain Day was recently celebrated at Kodagu Institute of Medical Sciences (KoIMS) and Teaching Hospital Madikeri in association with Department of Health and Family Welfare, Karnataka Brain Health Initiative, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro science Bangalore and Kodagu Institute of Medical Sciences and Teaching Hospital Madikeri.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Sathish Kumar, District Health and Family Welfare Officer said that brain health is also very important for human health and informed what should be done daily to keep the brain healthy.

Dr. Vishal Kumar, Director, Kodagu Institute of Medical Sciences said that neurological diseases is increasing in India day by day.

District Coordinator Vikram. R made people aware about Neurological Diseases and the outline of Karnataka Brain Health Initiative.

Dr. Roshini presented the brain model at the hospital from the anatomy department of Kodagu Institute of Medical Sciences.

Information was provided on the identification of common brain diseases, headache, epilepsy, paralysis, amnesia.

Medical Superintendent Dr. Somasekhar, District Surgeon Dr. Nanjundaiah, Chief Administrative Officer Rohini, Professor of Medicine Department Dr. Lokesh A J, including doctors, non-teaching staff and many other people participated in the program.

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