World Blood Donors Day celebrated at Kodagu University



Kodagu University Chancellor Prof. Ashoka Alura speaking after inaugurating the World Blood Donors Day at University campus in association with Karnataka State AIDS Prevention Society, District Administration, Zilla Panchayat, District AIDS Control Unit, Kodagu Institute of Medical Sciences, Blood Fund Centre, District Hospital, Taluk Health Officer’s Office, Somwarpet Taluk, Kodagu Vishwa Vidyalaya and Indian Red Cross Unit said that  Blood donation is a great donation and blood donation camps will be organized in all the colleges affiliated to Kodagu University and added that it is important to create awareness about the benefits of blood donation.

Speaking further he said that the Blood Donation Day program is being celebrated for the last 20 years and said that he will thank the blood donors who have continuously donating blood. 

Dr. Satish Kumar, District Health and Family Welfare Officer informed about the need for blood in the district. Due to dengue fever nowadays, there is a great need for blood and platelets. So, he requested donors to voluntarily donate blood.

Kodagu University Chancellor Dr.Senappa presided over the program and said that there should not be any blood shortage in the district in future and added if by any chance shortage   of blood comes then they will help.

District AIDS Control Officer Dr. Anand, Field Education Officer H K Shanti, District Supervisor Sunita, District AIDS Control Unit Usha, Kamala, Muthamma, ICTC Personal Consultant, Health Department officials and staff were present on the occasion. 

The donors who have donated blood for the most number of timeswere felicitated. Students, lecturers and staff of Kodagu University were also donated blood on the occasion. 

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