Annual Award of Kodagu Press Club announced



The annual awards of Kodagu Press Club were announced recently and the best effective report award which was established by Kodagu Press Club in memory of Senior journalist K.B. Mahantesh was won by N Vasu of Siddapur for his news report ‘A woman trapped abroad by agent’s cheat’ published in Shakti daily 

Best Humanitarian Reporting Award which was established by Kovar Kolli Indresh in memory of his father B.V. Chandrasekhar mother Pushpalatha and family was won by Akshay for his report ‘Daredevil act by Kodagu born vet saves leopard in Mangaluru’ published in the Star of Mysore newspaper. 

Best Environmental Reporting Award established by M.N.Chandramohan in memory of his father M. Narayan and mother Padmavati was won by Aimanda Gopal Somayya for his report on feeling of trees in Madikeri, which was published in TV 9 channel.

The awards include a cash prize of Rs 5,000 each and a plaque. The awards will be presented at a ceremony on June 2nd at Pathrika Bhavana Madikeri informed Gen Secretary of the Kodagu Press Club Rejith Kumar in a press release.

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