Wanderers training camp concludes



Cheppudira Cariappa, Hockey Veteran and National Hockey commentator, speaking at the valedictory programme of  the month-long free summer training camp conducted in memory of
C V Shankar Swamy by Wanderers Sports Club at the district stadium, Madikeri said that education is very important for children, even if they are not educated, they must become good citizens.

Speaking further he said that Hockey is a global game and it is commendable that hockey is also being taught in this camp and added that this camp should not stop for any reason and must continue every year. A sculptor does not show his art, it comes out. Similarly, parents know the   talent of their children and they should encourage them to bring it out, he added.

Even if you are not educated, you should become good citizen and advised children that they should not send their parents to the old age homes but they must take good care of them. There is no caste, religion in this type of camp, coaches will train with the feeling that everyone is same. Children must take advantage of these types of camp and practice should not be stopped for any reason but it should continue daily.

Apart from being physically and mentally fit, sports events should not be limited to pomp and record making. Children from sports schools and private schools get more opportunities, but if government schools train children, their future will be good, he added

Partha Chengappa, Secretary of Wanderers Club, said that Shankar Swami is like a banyan tree, forgetting caste and religion, he treated everyone as equal and trained them well. He wished that the children who trained in this camp may one day play for the Indian team.  He further opined that children who plays and get trained in grounds will become good sports men and humanitarian.

In the camp a trekking was also conducted and about 130 students and their parents enjoyed the trekking to Kote Betta, considered the third highest peak in Kodagu district.

Senior sportsman G T Raghavendra, Kotera Nanaiah, coach Ganesh, camp coordinator Babu Somaiah were the guests in the program presided over by Wanderers Club President Kotera Muddiah. On the same occasion, trainers S.T.Venkatesh, Kudekal Santhosh, Lokesh Naidu, Harendra, yoga teacher K.K. Mahesh Kumar, were  honoured with mementos. Campers performed the art they learned at camp.

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