4th edition of Bird Survey conducted in the Brahamagiri Wildlife Sanctuary



The 4th edition of Brahamagiri Bird Survey, was conducted jointly by Coorg Wildlife Society (CWS) and Karanataka Forest Department of Kodagu District, on the 10 and 11th,Feb, 2024. 

The Bird Survey was successfully concluded with about 50 members of Birding communities participating from all over the country and along with our Bird Experts and Naturalist from CWS and Karnataka Forest department. 

Over 135 species of Birds were recorded from the Brahamagiri wildlife Sanctuary and in the surroundings, and some of the exclusive and rare spices that were sighted and recorded were, The Nilgiri fly catcher, Nilgiri Sholakili (Above 1300 mts AMSL) Malabar Trogon, Asian Fairy Blue, which are endemic to the Western Ghats and many species of raptors, warblers and winter visiting migratory birds. 

This is the first ever Bird Survey that has been conducted in the Brahamagiri Hill Wildlife Sanctuary, Kodagu.  

Birds are very vital to ecosystems and we rely on them for pest control, maintaining habitats, and pollinating plants. The diversity and variety of birds found in almost every habitat on earth is a scientific marvel. Birds makes big contributions across habitats, and they are crucial for people and the planet to thrive. When avian species are lost, their particular functions and benefits disappear too and holding onto the Bird diversity of the Western Ghats is of paramount importance, and the need of the hour is to protect its Habitat and stop human interference and unscientific developments in Eco sensitive areas, stated a recent press release from the President of CWS. 


4th Edition – CWS Bird Survey Report

CWS Bird Report 4th Edition

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