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Through the Lens of this Nation 67.

I have been admonished, reprimanded, chided even rebuked for producing such pessimistic articles under this heading. Some of them feel, it has a very...

Individuals can Change the World !

We always come across articles in the media where people are asking for benefits, subsidies, quota, freebies and so on  from the Government. Here...

White Eye, Coral Tree

The Indian white-eye (Zosterops palpebrosus), formerly the Oriental white-eye, is a small species of passerine bird in the white-eye family. It is a resident...

D K Shivakumar visits various temples in Madikeri and offers special pooja

D K Shivakumar (DKS), Deputy Chief Minister (DCM) visited various temples in Madikeri on Ayudha Pooja and offered special prayers. Speaking on the occasion the...

Puthari to be celebrated on 14th December

The date for Puthari has been officially announced yesterday from Padi Sri Igguthappa Temple’s Pathepare - the hall from where the auspicious date and...

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