The season of exams- does marks define a child’s future?



As the month of March marches on ,the heartbeat of every mother quickens and the sleep of every teacher decreases. Temple visits, prayers, and fasting days for mothers and teachers become more frequent. Children and teenagers will also be found roaming around their places of worship with offerings  to their deities  in the name of devotion for better outcomes in exams- purely a mark of innocence.

The marks mania has gone beyond every limit in the last couple of decades. I find that kids today know nothing compared to how well – versed we were in our times. They get those insane scores! Numbers have no meaning today.  100 percent in almost all the subjects. What sense does it make ?

Learning is infinitely crucial and all the philosophy is on point- but in reality, does our marks- driven education system allow Learning  in a befitting manner. All these cut – offs ,GPAS, and merit lists……why ? Is it because there needs to be a yardstick to measure one against the other ?.

As parents and educators, we often unknowingly perpetuate a culture that equates academic success with a child’s worth. The emphasis on High grades and academic achievements can lead to undue pressure on children, causing them to feel anxious, stressed and uncertain about their future. It is essential to recognize that marks don’t define a child’s potential or future.

When we pressurise children to perform well academically we risk ,creating anxiety and stress that can lead to mental health issues. Marks are one aspect of a child’s educational journey. By recognizing the limitations of marks and avoiding pressurising children we can help them develop a healthy attitude towards learning and unlock their full potential. As parents and educators it’s our prime duty to work together to create a supportive and nurturing environment that allows children to thrive . Sometimes it makes more sense to take your child out of the race. In the long run , it is better to lose some marks, rather than a   childhood. So what if the child loses 2 or 3 marks ? Pat their backs for the smallest of their efforts and see them blooming in the sunshine.

Dear students, 

Remember exams are just one part of your life. Stay calm, focused and positive and you will do your best.


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