The Virajpet BJP unit has expressed its anguish over the new order issued by the Excise Department to get a one day permission for use of liquor in private events, including wedding ceremony in Kodagu district.
Cheppudira Rakesh Devaiah,Virajpet BJP spokesperson issued a press release accusing the state Congress government for issuing new orders which is against the customs of Wedding ceremonies which have been held in Kodagu district for so many decades. In wedding ceremonies alcohol has been distributed in a disciplined manner and no crimes or any untoward incidents reported so far.
However, Rakesh Devaiah, strongly condemning the implementation of the new rule saying that the Department have complained about the supply of defense liquor, other states liquor, counterfeit liquor and illicit liquor.
He also informed that during wedding ceremonies, there is a custom of keeping Alcohol to the elders and to Gurukarna. It is being celebrated as a part of the tradition from years and so far no government had interrupted, expect this present congress government, he blamed and added that the government is creating a unnecessary confusion through the Excise department officials.
He also stated that a few months ago, the government had ordered the return of all tanned animal heads which were kept in the houses by our ancestors, to the forest department. Earlier the government wanted tree senses from the plantations which were also against the sentiments of Kodagu residents, he opined.
Rakesh Devaiah, also informed that the now the government had made this new rule on the wedding ceremonies through excise department, he demanded that the Excise Department immediately withdraw its order.