Export Import Business Meet



New Mangalore Port Authority chairman Dr Venkata Ramana Akkaraju speaking after inaugurating a Export Import (EXIM) Community Business Meet of Kodagu, Chikkamagaluru and Hassan districts, at a resort on the outskirts of Managalore informed that About 45.07 metric tonne of  materials have been exported via  New Mangaluru Port (NMP) during 2023-24. Of these, coffee  was exported more, he said.

Dr Venkata Ramana  further said that the NMP is in the fourth place in implementing development projects in the country. All facilities towards the export of coffee have been facilitated along with the latest technology. He also informed that a programme was being designed towards reducing the transport costs of the items exported through the port. “New machinery and five new truck terminals are being added to the port, during its golden jubilee. A multi-specialty hospital will be inaugurated in April.”

Kodagu Chamber of Commerce and Industry president BR Nagendra Prasad was present.

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