Elephant stuck in rail barricade…another elephant comes to the rescue



An elephant’s head had got stuck recently in a rail barricade installed at the forest department’s depot in Ponnampet taluk of Kodagu district.A wild elephant came to the rescue the stuck elephant.

It is reported that seven wild elephants had crossed the gate and entered the depot and the forest employees began an operation to drive them back into the forest.

All elephants safely crossed the barricade at the depot gate on their way back to the woods except one as its head got stuck between the rails of the barricade and struggled to free itself, for over a minute.

While the forest staff were observing from a distance and planning a rescue operation, another elephant came to the trapped jumbo’s aid.

Using its trunk, it helped the struggling elephant pull its head out of the barricade. Later, both elephants made their way back into the forest.

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