Puthari festival to be celebrated on 14th December



The Muhurtha for Kodagu’s most important festival, Puthari festival, will take place on Saturday 14th December at 7.30 pm was decided recently in a meeting of dignitaries held at Kakkabbe Sri Padi Iggutthappa Temple .

The ritual of ‘Nere Kattuvudu’ will be held at the temple at 7.30 pm, followed by the ritual of harvesting paddy sheaths in the paddy field belonging to the temple, at 8.30 pm. The distribution of “Teertha Prasada’ will be done at 9.30 pm.

In the rest of the places, the ritual of ‘Nere Kattuvudu’ will be observed at 7.50 pm and the general public will carry out paddy harvesting at 8.50 pm, Kakkabe Padi Sri Igguthappa Temple executive officer said.


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