Kargil Victory day celebrated at Virajpet



On behalf of the Kodagu Ex-Servicemen Cooperative Society, a program was organised to commemorate the 25th year of Kargil Victory and to pay tribute to the Memorial of Martyrs.

Various schools, colleges students, scouts and guides, NCC cadets and many organizations and patriots marched through the main streets of Virajpet from clock tower and paid tribute to the soldiers’ memorial in front of the taluk office.

Speaking on the occasion Ravindra, Virajpet town police officer said that our country is a very strong nation. Pakistan has been defeated many times by our strong defence force whenever Pakistan raised war against us. Speaking further he said that it is sad to inform that 527 brave soldiers of our country were martyred in Kargil war even though thousands of Pakistani soldiers were died.

On this occasion Taluk Tashildar Ramachandra celebrated the Kargil Victory Day by offering floral tributes to the soldiers’ memorial on behalf of the Municipality and the Taluk Office.

Municipal Chief Officer Chandrakumar, Kodagu Soldiers Cooperative Association President Chappanda Harish, Secretary of the association Puggera Nanda,Torera Poovayya and presidents and members of various organizations and general public were also present.

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