Take preventive measures to prevent infectious diseases… DC



Kodagu Deputy Commissioner (DC) Dr Venkat Raja in a recent press release informed to take Kodagu Deputy Commissioner (DC) Dr Venkat Raja in a recent press release informed to take preventive measures against infectious diseases in the background of the onset of summer season.

As now the summer has started and all the villages and towns in the district have fairs, chariot festivals, marriage ceremonies, urus in dargahs and village festivals. If by any chance and negligence of someone due to consumption of contaminated water and contaminated food during such ritual, intestinal disease may outbreak like   cholera, typhoid fever, jaundice etc. which are more likely to occur and spread.  Hence the DC instructed all the departments to take necessary measures to prevent the occurrence and escalation of these epidemics. 

To prevent above diseases DC instructed to follow bellow mentioned guidelines.

Taking special precautions to prevent the spread of infectious diseases during social festivals such as marriage ceremonies, fairs, town festivals etc. Taking steps to ensure that clean hot food and hot water are to be supplied for drinking by the public in hotels and proper disposal of solid waste materials in hotels.

To record the information of drinking water sources within the concerned panchayat, collect and test all drinking water samples and take steps to supply clean drinking water to the public.

Maintenance of information on water sources of drinking water tested in all panchayats in primary health centers laboratory. The health department staff will immediately take steps to clean and chlorinate the water sources that are found to be unfit for drinking with the cooperation of the concerned Panchayat PDOs.

If the drinking water pipe line is broken, the concerned City Corporation, Town Panchayat, Municipality and Gram Panchayat authorities should immediately take action to repair it and issue chlorination guidelines to the concerned person (water man) by the Health Department.

Local Food Safety Officers to conduct inspection of hotels and shops and to check on food and water quality safety.

Household survey on personal cleanliness, environmental sanitation, clean drinking water, and consumption of hot food. The general public should be careful not to consume food items, fruits that have been placed openly whichare sold on roadside.

DC also instructed the general public to cover their mouth with a tissue while coughing and sneezing in public places.

He also instructed concerned departments to take action to ensure that necessary life-saving drugs and insecticides are available in all primary/community health centers and taluk hospitals for proper treatment.

He further instructed Health Department to educate the public by giving information about health programs by organizing exhibitions on the occasions of fairs, urus and social festivals. 

He also requested the general public to cooperate with health department to control disease and to maintain hygiene in all the places either in home or in public places.

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