World Forest Day Celebrated at Kudlur Government High School



T G Premkumar, the district nodal officer of the National Green Force Eco Club and Kudumangaluru School head teacher said that for a better tomorrow we have to protect the environment by preserving land-water, forest, wildlife and bio-diversity.

Premakumar was speaking at World Forest Day celebration 2024 at Kudumangaluru Govt. High School which come under Kudige cluster of North Kodagu (Coodlur).  

The program was jointly organized by the School Eco Club, NSS Unit, Science Association, SEICO Institute, Karnataka State Science Council Unit and SDMC with the mission “Forests and Innovation”. 

He also said that the International Day of Forests 2024 is being celebrated on the theme of ‘Forests and Innovation’. To create awareness about the importance of forests and trees for the survival of humanity and the planet and added that International Water Day, also known as the World Day of Forests, is celebrated on March 21 every year. He opined that Biodiversity is decreasing day by day due to human intervention on nature.

D. Ramya, teacher in charge of Eco Club, spoke about the importance of Forest Day. She further said that this day is celebrated all over the world to create awareness about the role of forest resources in our daily life and the ill effects caused by its destruction. Students propagated environmental slogans   regarding forest conservation on the occasion.  School Teachers and students participated in the program.

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