118th birth anniversary of General K.S. Thimayya celebrated



The 118th birth anniversary great soldier of the Indian Army and Padma Bhushan General K.S. Thimayya, was celebrated recently by the district administration at General Thimayya Memorial Bhavan (Sunnyside) in Madikeri.

Kodagu Deputy Commissioner Dr Venkat Raja, Zilla Panchayat Chief Executive Officer Varnith Negi, Subedar Gaudanda Thimmaiah laid flowers and paid respects to General Thimayya’s portrait at General Thimayya Memorial Hall.

Shrisha, a student, spoke and said that General Thimayya’s contribution to the Indian Army was immense.  She further said that he has made his own mark in the military field as a great soldier of the Nation. She also explained that everyone should know about unparalleled achievement, courage, ability and maturity of Gen Thimayya in the military field and everyone must respect him.

ZP CEO Varnith Negi, Police Inspector Manjunath, Assistant Director of Kannada and Culture Department Chinnaswamy and others were present on the occasion.

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