Auto overturns after hit by a deer … eight-month-old baby dies



An 8-month-old baby died after an auto-rickshaw overturned after hitting a deer in Srimangala Biruga village. It is reported that Jharkhand-based laborers came to Srimangala for coffee plantation work and while going to Biruga village in an autorickshaw suddenly a deer crossed the road and hit the autorickshaw and as a result, the auto overturned and an 8-month-old baby named Anurag Raj, who was in his mother’s lap, fell under the rickshaw and died.

A case has been registered in Srimangala Police Station regarding this incident and further legal action has been taken by the police. The villagers of Srimangala protested and expressed their displeasure against the forest department in connection with the case of the death of a child. In this background, the villagers demanded that the forest department should provide appropriate compensation to the poor laborer family who lost their child.

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