Puspha Kuttanna basketball court inaugurated in Kodagu Vidyalaya



A new professionally designed basketball court was inaugurated in Kodagu Vidyalaya by Dr. Pushpa Kuttanna. Speaking after inaugurating the Pushpa Kuttanna Basketball Court, which was built at a cost of Rs 55 lakhs in Kodagu Vidyalaya, former international basketball player Dr. Pushpa Kuttanna said that the stadium built in Kodagu Vidyalaya is innovative compared to the basketball courts built in many places. She said that it is commendable that Kodagu Vidyalaya has come forward with  such an innovative  ‘Basketball court’ in Kodagu. She also said with gratitude that the construction of a basketball court in her name is a memorable moment in her sporting life.

National basketball player and advisor of Kodagu Vidyalaya, Prof. Jugan Sukavaneshwar Dyaneshwaran, who participated as the guest of honour, spoke and assured that he would cooperate in providing basketball training to the children of Kodagu. He also said that there is a plan to organize a tournament and training camps in the well-equipped basketball stadium of Kodagu Vidyalaya in collaboration with the Basketball Federation of India and Manipal University. Jugan also called on every student to believe in his talent and make sports part of their lives.

Introducing the basketball court project at the ceremony, Kodagu Vidyalaya Management Committee Member  C.S. Guruduth said that founders of Kodagu Vidyalaya namely Field Marshall K M Cariappa, B.S.Kushalappa, B.K.Subiah and others believed in the all-round development of students and Kodagu Vidyalaya takes great pride in success of their alumni. He said that the management of Kodagu Vidyalaya believes in providing good infrastructure to learn and grow. The school is a charitable school and has an affordable fee structure that is inreach to many. Hence, to build better infrastructure it requires the help of donors. He thanked Nagarjun Sakhamuri and Prashanth Sakhamuri for their generous donation in memory of their late father S V Narasaiah. He also thanked Prabhavathi Fernandes of IGG partners( a social business foundation of the CVS and brothers family) for their generous donation in memory of her mother Meenakshi Bhat  to construct such a state-of-the-art, well-equipped basketball court in Kodagu Vidyalaya .Guruduth said that considering the international level achievements in Basketball of Dr.PushpaKuttanna, and her contribution to academics, this basketball court was named after her. He said Kodagu Vidyalaya is proud to be associated with such a great sports personality and a leader.

Vice President of Kodagu Vidyalaya Urvashi Muddaiah, Sports Committee Chairman Raghu Madappa, Advisory board members of Kodagu Vidyalaya Air Marshall K C Cariappa,
P.E. Kalaiah, K.U. Subbaiah, Principal K.S. Sumitra, Administrative Manager P.Ravi and many other dignitaries were present at the function.

Teacher Netra Bopanna welcomed the gathering and K.K. Bharathi offered her vote of thanks. The program was compered by M.M. Veena and Alemada Chitra Nanjappa and Milan Bopanna introduced the guests.

On the same occasion, an exciting basketball match was held between the Spoorthy women’s team and the Prerana women’s team, both members of the Karnataka Masters Basketball women’s Team, at the new basketball court.

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