SDPI protest against Waqf Amendment Bill



Members of  Social Democratic Party of India protested near Madikeri Indira Gandhi Circle and burnt the copies of the Waqf Amendment Bill. In Virajpet also members protested   near  Clock Tower and burnt the copies of the Waqf Amendment Bill recently.

Amin Mohisin, district president of SDPI,   speaking on the occasion, blamed  that the bill tabled by the Union Government in the Parliament shows  that the government is  snatching the remaining Waqf land, instead of reclaiming it.

Speaking further he said that bill was introduced in a hurry,  even though a joint parliamentary committee was formed to discuss the bill was not done  and also the  suggestions from  the leaders of the opposition was also ignored and  alleged that the bill is biased.

He also claims that at least 70 per cent of the Waqf land has already been lost, which were donated by the people. He also said that SDPI will strongly condemn this and plans to intensify the protests. Various  leaders Abdul Adkar, Mansoor, Rizqan, Nazir, Sharif and others took part in the protests.


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