Peaceful And Well-Conducted Ongoing Walkathon



By: I K Anil
Executive Editor – CLN

We have been overwhelmed by the response to the Editorial Note of 29th January 25. As I had emphasized The need of the hour is to remain calm. Select Community Leaders, Retired Armed Forces Personnel and Elders of those aggrieved should be brought back to the table to resolve their differences through dialogue – as essentially, we are rational and peace-loving people from both the communities – Kodava Bashikas and Arebhashe Gowdas from Kodagu. External influences should be firmly kept out of Kodagu.

Day 3 of the PEACEFUL and EXTREMELY well conducted Walkathon (appreciated by the Police Forces all along) was completed yesterday with a touching welcome reception by The Peggade Samaja. The tremendous support by all communities including the Mapilas’ all along resonates well with the intent of peaceful coexistence – based on the tenets of Kodavaame. People from every village enroute has taken part in the March and in true spirit of Kodava hospitality, provided refreshments, hosted lunch and encouraged all the participants. Age was no bar – including elders in wheel chairs and proud 90+ year old Kodavas participating to express their support. On Day 3 the numbers exceeded 10,000 – way beyond the expectations of the organizers.

Having interacted with the quiet, self-effacing organizers, their intent and objectives are absolutely well-meaning. They have worked tirelessly for all the Kodava Bashikas to come together, no personal agendas, no speeches, no fanfare, no protest – it is a solidarity March for Peace, Identity and to Preserve the Culture that has served Kodagu well from time immemorial.

Every place lives and thrives on its identity which falls into place over centuries of living and protocols of custom. This is the crux of what India stands for – distinct, individual cultures , holding its own in terms of language, appearance (dress), food habits, festivals, folklore and so on. Rajasthan is distinct and different from Punjab, Bengal, Tamil Nadu and so on. This is exactly the case with Kodagu and Kodava Bashikas. Why disturb the time tested peace of Pommale Kodagu with external influences?

I was deeply touched by the exceptional comment made by T G Rajesh where he explained with great empathy what it means to live in Kodagu. Similarly M P Ponnanna in his Comment to the CLN Editorial has reiterated after the Padyatra what is the plan of action to sustain the tenets of Kodavaame for everyone’s benefit and the peaceful co-existence amongst all communities.

Kodavas are very proud of the rich legacy of our contribution of personnel to the Armed Forces; at one point in time almost EVERY FAMILY sent a child to join the Forces. It was considered and deemed a privilege to have ones kith and kin in the Forces. It would be only natural therefore to expect even more participants from all ranks in the next few days, standing shoulder to shoulder to express solidarity with the need to preserve Kodavaame in Kodagu.

Kodagu has always been a very peaceful place with cordial communal harmony. Those who come to Kodagu must respect the age-old customs that have provided identity and prosperity to this land of ours. After all, if we went to neighbouring lands would they entertain Kodava culture being rolled out in their backyard?

I support this peaceful march. I urge all Kodava Bashikas to participate peacefully, responsibly and reiterate all that Kodavaame stands for. The end objective should be to restore peace to our beloved Kodagu.


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  1. I read the Editorial with great interest – balanced and the right way to proceed. We just finished the 4th Day’s walk as I send this Comment.

    This was an exhilarating experience – extremely peaceful, no untoward behaviour and people were joining the walking group at every conceivable point.

    The purpose of the walk was well understood and there was nothing but good intentions all the way. Refreshments and thirst quenching drinks were available from impromptu stalls put up every 500 mts. At Virajpet, there could well have been around 10,000 participants. There was good natured and somewhat joyful response from the Police and traffic flow was excellent.

    Hats off to all concerned. The peaceful, disciplined, considerate participation from many communities was amply visible.

    Time to settle the somewhat unwanted Kattemad incident. It is difficult to believe that it was unnecessarily blown out of proportion. Long may Kodavaame reign in this blessed land, without unwanted divisive elements.

  2. This morning, we expressed a solidarity as Senior citizens and joined the group coming from Bittangala near Cauvery college Virajpet and walked for half an hour and gave our moral support for a NOBLE cause. We wish all the very best for the continuing walk to Murnad and thereafter to Madikeri.

  3. Excellent editorial. We have lived in Kodagu for many generations and have always felt that I belong here. Kodavas have the reputation of being good and considerate leaders. The incident at Kattemad need not have been allowed to go out of control.
    Everyone has been following the peaceful progress of the Kodavaame Balo Walkathon of the past four days. It has been disciplined, free of any incident, respect for all and Police have praised the crowd behaviour.

    I wish all of them well for the next two days- especially the huge gathering in Madikeri. At the end of the day, we need peace and good relations in Kodagu. That is all that matters.

  4. Very well-said. As we walked along the surge of crowd was so huge day by day. Displaying again the respect Kodavas show to be disciplined and follow traffic rules with every step. Every person strengthened our collective voice, fostering unity and resilience. Together we strive for an empowered Kodava community that stands proud, preserving our roots and shaping a future rooted in our unique traditions.


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