A Kannada book written by film producer and director Kottukattira Yashoda Prakash, titled’Mukha- mukhi’, was recently released by women achievers from various fields during a programme organised by the Codava Makkada Coota at the Patrika Bhavana in Madikeri.
Former MLC Shanteyanda Veena Achaiah, International badminton player Tatapanda Jyothi Somaiah, Publisher Bollajira Yamuna Ayyappa, Kodagu District Working Journalists’ Association President B R Savitha Rai and retired lecturer Kaliyanda Saraswathi Changappa were the guests.
Author Kottukattira Yashoda Prakash speaking on the occasionsaid that ‘Mukhamukhi’ was not about two people facing each other, but rather about self-conflict, with the story woven around just five characters, reflecting on the loosening familial bonds.
Shanteyanda Veena Achaiah, after releasing the book, stressed the importance of writers in opening society’s eyes through their work.