The 44th Annual Day of Devaiah Memorial Preparatory School, Bittangala was recently celebrated and the children treated their parents and invitees to a number of dances,songs and plays. This showcased the immense talent and confidence of the children aged between 6 and 11. The school encourages low waste generation and the plays carried this message of making sustainable choices, reducing waste and respecting nature.
The function was held at the school field in the midst of greenery. The children are encouraged to appreciate and be grateful for the opportunity they have been given to study and learn in these beautiful surroundings. The setting and stage were decorated with the craft work, knitting and drawing done by the children. Special attention was drawn to the beautiful macrame decor and dream catchers made by the staff and children.
The chief guest was Dharshini Narayanswamy, an alumnus of the school. She remembered the founder of the school, Mrs M G Deviah, and appreciated that her legacy lives on in the Management and children.
The school encourages and believes in carrying forward the message of peace,kindness and saving the planet.