Nestled in the heart of western ghats, Kodagu district has long been a haven for nature lovers and those seeking tranquillity amidst lush landscape. However, the region now faces a grave threat – the adverse impact of mass tourism. Once celebrated for its pristine beauty, Kodagu is grappling with the detrimental consequences of unbridled tourism, jeopardizingits fragile ecosystem and indigenous culture. Kodagu has become a hotspot for yearendholiday makers. The picturesque district experiences an unexpected surge in tourist arrivals for the celebration of new year and Christmas. However, the overwhelming tourist influx during this period has turned into a nightmare for the residents of Kodagu and the district’s fragile environment. The rush of profit- driven development is not only encroaching upon vital wildlife habitats but is also contributing to water scarcity issues.
The yearend tourist rush clogs Kodagu’s narrow roads, leading to severe traffic jams in key towns. This is a critical time for the local residents of Kodagu, as they are busy harvesting paddy and coffee, which form the backbone of Kodagu’s economy. The traffic delays hinder transportation of crops and workers causing frustration, significant disruptions to their livelihood. The district is choked with the spurt in tourist arrivals, automobile pollution and the interminable traffic jams clogging roads that were not built to accommodate such vehicle inflow. The explosion of homestays and the thousands of unregistered and illegal accommodations have also contributed to over tourism which has hurt Kodagu in terms of traffic, traffic pollution, mushrooming of unregistered homestays. Tourist’s disregard for Kodagu’s pristine environment has reached alarming levels. Littering is rampant, with plastic bottles, wrappers and other waste dumped carelessly on roads, coffee estates and even forest areas. This not only pollutes the land but also harms wildlife and the delicate ecosystem.
Should Kodagu be pushed into unregulated tourism which is very dangerous for the future of the district? Should the joy of celebrating festivals come at the cost of our community’s well- being? Let the district focus on its priorities without the chaos caused by an unchecked tourist influx.
Kodandera Mamatha Subbaiah