Approval to identify two thousand hectares of land “Segregated for wild elephants”



The state government has approved for  implementation of the Soft Area Release ‘scheme to rehabilitating wild elephants that are damaging agricultural crops and attacking innocent people.

Last three decades, the man animal conflict has increased a lot and wild elephants causing damages to the crop and attacking residents, has also increased.  Wild elephant population has  exceeded throughout the district. At the Wildlife Council meeting held recently  in the presence of Chief Ministers, Forest Ministers, Forest Department officials and Virajpet MLA A S Ponnanna , the government has approved the need for a segregated  area to evacuate the wild elephants which are causing damages to life and crop.

The  marked wild elephant  that are captured will be placed in the   segregated  area of the forest . However, once the fields are identified, all measures will be taken to install the necessary safety systems so that the other wild elephants  will not come near the  segregated  area.

Attempts are being made to find a permanent solution to the wild elephant and human conflict.

At present, where there are trenches and railway fences in  the district which were damaged,repair work will be undertaken with   allocated fund of  Rs 21 crore. for repair work.

The Forest Department has also taken various safety measures and steps to control wild elephant attacks.

Karnataka State Wildlife Council member Sanketh Poovaiah has said that  Virajpet MLA A.S  Ponnanna has asked a comprehensive report  on where all trenches haves to be taken and railway barricade has to be erected in the district to control wild elephant, with the grant available from the government .

Of the total 6395 elephants in Karnataka, about two thousand elephants are located in Kodagu district. Sanketh Poovya informed that about 180 to 200 elephants have made coffee plantations their habitat, and  these elephants are not going to forest . To find a permanent solution to all these, the government has to  provide the necessary grants to relocate them .

Karnataka has the highest tigers after  Madhya Pradesh. There are 563 tigers in the state, of which 135 tigers  are in Nagarhole

The district has been affected by various wild elephant, tiger attack, wild boar and monkeys, and also many problems which are all should be addressed.

Attempts have been made to  track down tigers which are attacking  livestock in rural areas.

In South Kodagu Brahmagiri, Nagarahole and Pushpagiri forest,  for about 120 km length Railway fence need to be carried to control wild animals entering residence area

Sanketh Poovya  speaking further said that in the state a 350 km stretch  of  Railway fence  has to be installed  and requested central government to provide old and  once used railway tracks  to construct a railway fence in the state.

During the ten years between 2014 and 2024, a total of 33 death  were reported in the Virajpet forest sector and 53  have injuries  affected. Five of them have been permanent disability  and 219 cattle have died.

The government has provided a total compensation of Rs 4.27 crore to those who have suffered from wild animals attack . Chief  Minister Siddaramaiah and Forest Minister Ishwar Khandre have released  Rs 22 crore  grant to install railway barricades, Sanketh Poovya  added.

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