A rally organized for wheel chair patients



Recently a wheelchair rally was organised  by  Kodagu Sevadhama-Seva Bharati, in association  with Shri Kaveri Kripa Vishwa Kalyana Seva Samiti, Ashwini Hospital, Kodagu Institute of Medical Sciences Teaching Hospital, Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement and Vikas Jan Seva Trust. The  free health  was a part of the 29th free health check-up and awareness camp, which had been going on for the past three days.

A wheelchair rally was organised from the Raja’s Seat to sensitive people from spinal cord injuries caused by accidents.  The victims of spinal cord injuries created awareness about the issue through their participation.

NT Thimmaiah, Sub-Inspector of Police  flagged off the rally.  The rally aimed at educating people regarding spinal cord injuries caused by accidents, and to boost the integration of affected victims  into mainstream of society.

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