

The enthusiasm and pride of the participating walkers was palpable – they exuded extreme positivity and were totally aligned with the theme of the Walkathon – Peace, Identity, Harmonious Communal Well-being and long term prosperity in Kodagu. Everyone radiated positive thoughts and were aware of the highlights of the previous four days due to the hyper-active sharing of news, pictures and views on WhatsApp Groups and other social media. The Organizers and the AKS President kept reemphasizing that social media posts remain positive with NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS about anyone. This was an opportunity for Kodavas and Kodava Bashikas to exhibit mature leadership in keeping with the tenets of Kodavaame.

The Day began with the customary prayers in keeping with Kodava tradition by the President of The Akhila Kodava Samaja Pardanda Subramani. There was the somewhat unusual local custom of Bale Mariyadi which the AKS President executed with skill and aplomb, much to the delight of the onlookers!

The crowd progressed through Murnad – it took a good 30 minutes with the crowds swelling to 4000+. As per local custom, offerings were made at Paandaane Mandh opposite the Aiyappa Temple. Sumptuous Lunch was provided by Murnad Kodava Samaja.

The day’s Walkathon came to an end after another welcome by the villagers at Hakathur Junction. Special mention should be made of the august presence of Air Marshal (Retd) K C Cariappa (Nanda) – the senior most Armed Forces Officer in Kodagu and son of Field Marshal K M Cariappa. It was hoped that more Services Personnel will make their visible presence felt on the Final Day’s march to Madikeri.

Understandably there was a quick exit by the organising team for serious planning for the Final Day. The unbounded reservoirs of energy is to be admired – sleepless nights of planning (and worrying) and walking the next day. Here’s a sneak peek at the preparations for lunch on the Final Day. Their conservative estimates of upto 30,000 participants may well be exceeded.

The march under The Akhila Kodava Samaja banner is very significant and every Kodava must dedicate themselves with the same energy and zeal to strengthen the organisation with human and other necessary resources. This applies equally to The Kodava Bashika Samaja. The development of Kodagu has to begin from the grass roots level and move upwards with clarity and a common agenda.

This Walkathon has touched a tender nerve in every Kodava, Kodava Bashikas and long term residents hearts and as we write this many of them are on the way to Madikeri. This event has united the people of Kodagu like never before – an emphatic statement asserting their Identity and the Kodava Way of Life – Kodavaame. There is enormous energy and self-belief and purpose amongst all who participated in dedicating themselves to the future of Kodagu with one single aim:


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