Strict action against those who are disturbing peace in Kodagu … SP



A team of police has constituted to arrest those who attacked and beat priest of Kattemadu Temple and his wife informed Kodagu Superintendent of Police (SP)K. Ramarajan.The statement was issued by the SP to the media persons.

The Kodagu district administration is making continued efforts to make a concerted solution between the two communities in Kodagu. The Police department is strictly monitoring on racial criticism on social networking sites.  Peace is being disturbed in the district using the controversy of the Kattemadu Temple. SP warned that the Police Department is taking strict action against those who were disturbing peace and making illegal activities in the district by this temple issue.

SP further informed that a section has been charged with alleged murder attempts against the accused. The police investigation will reveal whether there is a temple dispute or personal issues in the wake of the attack. We have already formed three teams of police for the arrest of the accused. Further investigation is underway SP Ramarajan added.

He also clarified that it is the right to everyone to hold the protest peacefully. There is no thought of preventing any race protests from the police department.  No matter how many people come, the police department will allow the protest but peace has to be maintained SP added.

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