The Karnataka Panchayat Raj Commissionerate has issued an order allowing 12 Gram Panchayat Presidents of the state to participate as special guests in the Republic Day program to be held in Delhi on January 26, 2025
Hoddur Gram Panchayat President of Madikeri Taluk and Madikeri Block Congress President H.A. Hamsa Kottamudi has been selected as a special guest for the Republic Day program in Delhi as per the direction of the Panchayat State Ministry of India, the Karnataka State Government has selected him. Besides, Hamsa’s wife H H Saheera has also been allowed to participate in the program.
Apart from this, two village panchayat presidents from Karnataka’s Haveri, Mysore, Hassan, Mandya, Chitradurga, Koppala, Gadag, Bidar and Udupi districts have also been allowed to participate in the Republic Day programme.