Kodagu soldier Divin dies of serious injuries in Poonch accident



A 28-year-old soldier Palangoti Divin from Alur Siddapur village, Kodagu succumbed to serious injuries when an army vehicle in which he along with others was traveling, fell into a gorge in Poonch district of Jammu and Kashmir recently. 4 soldiers were killed on the spot and Divin was admitted to Srinagar hospital and treated but Palangoti Divin breathed his last due to severe damage to his lungs.

Divin’s mother Jaya also reached the hospital even though he is in serious condition Divin raised his eyebrow and responded to his Amma’s call but he died without responding to treatment.

Being the only son of his parents, Divin joined the army 10 years ago.

It is tragedy that his engagement was done recently during his last visit to his native place and Divin was supposed to get married in coming February 2025.

Madikeri Constituency MLA Dr. Mantar Gowda was also in touch with a Shimoga-based doctor who was treating him in the army hospital and was getting information. MLA Mantar Gowda has condoled the death of Palangoti Divin

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