Minister K J George assures of filling up the vacant posts in Kodagu CHESCOM



K. J. George, Energy Minister of Karnataka state speaking at a press conference at Kodagu Deputy Commissioner’s office in Madikeri recently said that necessary steps will be taken to fill the vacant posts of officers and line men in Kodagu Chescom. Minister also informed that while filling the vacant posts of line men in Kodagu, candidates will be selected from different parts of the state.

Speaking further he said that steps will also be taken to provide electricity connection to the houses in the rural areas and solar lights will be arranged for houses that cannot be provided electricity connection and added that the authorities have already been informed about this.

Regarding free electricity to motor pump sets 10 HP for coffee growers’ action will be taken in the coming days he said.  Minister George also said that in accordance with the request of the MLAs of the district, steps have been taken to establish power substations in some places.

Speaking on the occasion Virajpet MLA A.S. Ponnanna said that a tender of 112 crore rupees has been called for the construction of 66/11 KV power sub-stations in Hudikeri, Murnadu, Baleleand Siddapur. The Deputy Commissioner has identified a site for setting up a power substation at Katakeri. A site has been marked for a power substation in Kolakeri as well. In Murnadu and Maragodu, land has been bought privately and steps have been taken to construct a power substation.

Ponnanna further said that if the substations are fully functional, then Kodagu’s electricity problem will be solved. There are legal problems with the Forest Department regarding the installation of a new 66 KV power line in the Sampaje division. As the power line will pass through the forest area, permission from the forest department is required. Appropriate action will be taken in this regard as well. MLA also informed that a total of Rs 208 crore has been approved for construction of power substations, change of lines, capacity increase of lines, maintenance, installation of UG cables and other works in some places.

Madikeri MLA Dr. Mantar Gowda, Guarantee Implementation Committee Chairman Dharmaja Uthappa, Kodagu Deputy Commissioner Dr Venkat Raja, Kodagu Superintendent of Police K. Ramarajan and others were present in the press conference.

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