E paper or Newspaper?



Though I am not against reading e- paper, I prefer to read solid, physical newspapers. Call me a creature of habit, but like others of my generation.  I am accustomed to reading newspapers, fresh off the press. Why? There are many tangible reasons. The first and foremost reason is that newspapers are not a strain on my eyes. I cannot stay with my eyes glued to the computer screen for long.  Furthermore,the entire process of reading an e- paper appears to me to be so artificial that I am having difficulty adjusting to this modern way of reading a newspaper on a computer.

Taking my newspaper in my hands, page by page, concentrating on headlines and editorials, savouring each sentence and word and absorbing bits of news and ideas from articles, on the other hand, is the process that brings me great joy every morning. While sipping a steaming cup of coffee in the morning, my eyes run over the news at a slow and leisurely place. The sound of the paper rustling as I turn the pages is pleasant to my ears. I enjoy the feel of the newspaper, and there exists an inexplicable bond between the newspaper and me.

I have to sit upright in a chair, with my hand on the mouse and my eyes glued to the screen, while reading an e- paper. It hurts my back, strains my eyes, and hurts my hands. Even a laptop doesn’t make it easy, and the screen is too small for my comfort.

But with my newspaper, I am at liberty to read it at a pace, place and posture of my choosing. I mean, I can sit with my back straight on a chair, stretch on an armchair, or lie down on a sofa. I can toss the paper and pick it up later if my eyes blink in pain, and if my back creaks. I need not worry about the paper vanishing from my sight- it is there for me to read in the morning, afternoon and night.

So, I pick up my newspapers every morning, settle down comfortably with it on my chair, and launch myself into the pleasure of reading over a cup of frothy, brown, aromatic, delicious coffee.

May be that is the peaceful happiness that every newspaper reader seeks every morning.

Kodandera Mamatha Subbaiah

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