KKSA invites entries for poetry contest



Karnataka Kodava Sahitya Academy (KKSA) has invited entries for a poetry contest said a press release.

The poems must in the Kodava language and should not exceed 20 lines, with six to seven words in each line. The themes should reflect the nature and history of Kodagu. The poems should not hurt religious sentiments, stated a press release. September 10 is the last date to send in the entries. Participants can send only one poem each. The poems that get published will get aremuneration and they will be included in the collection of poems-‘Kodava Kavana Motte’.

Participants should send in their name, address, phone number, a passport sized photograph and a photocopy of their bank pass book, along with their entries to Chairman/Registrar, Karnataka Kodava Sahitya Academy, Junior College Road, Scouts Bhavan, Man’s Compound, Madikeri-571201. For more details or queries, contact 8105341332.

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