Through the lens of this Nation 63.



America: Breaker of democracies? 

We are watching the developments in Bangladesh. A democratically elected government of Sheikh Hasina has been pulled down by American Deep State. They tried defeating her in the elections and failed. As they blame the Electronic Voting Machines, in India every time their candidate loses, same way, in Bangladesh they blamed the election machinery, when Sheikh Hasina won. They kept saying the elections were rigged. Under Sheikh Hasina the nation was making huge progress. The garment industries of the nation had developed by leaps and bounds. But America had its own plans for Bangladesh. 

As in Bharat, for five years, even in Bangladesh the American Deep State has been sending their Toolkit and encouraging disharmony and discontent. They had already tried out the students strikes a few years earlier and had met with some success. So, they were looking for an opportunity to try it out again. They found ‘reservation of college seats for freedom fighters’ children’ as an issue to light the fire with. Sheikh Hasina had just returned from her visit to China where she was not given what she expected. On her return, she found that the reservation issue had fired a student’s agitation. In the meanwhile, Bangladesh supreme court rolled back the reservations that had triggered the agitation. But the strikes did not stop, as the go ahead had been given and money paid out, for the mobs to join in.                            

 Meanwhile, China too wasn’t happy with her of late. She wasn’t falling prey to its loans; hence, China too had its forces join the agitation. The Americans had been planning this for long, as she had refused to concede to their requests of bases for America in her country. So, the toolkit prepared and rehearsed with the opposition parties, was played out. With mobs of uneducated available, it was easy to build up a huge crowd to storm her Presidential palace. And she had no choice but to flee. 

The US ambassador to Bangladesh Peter D Haas had played his part well and had left without the customary farewell meetings with the Prime Minister, the President or the foreign minister, on 30th July 2024. He left amid volatile situation in Bangladesh following student protests against quotas in government jobs. On departure, his message read as follows. “As I return to the United States, my heartfelt thanks to everyone at the US embassy, to my family, friends and colleagues, to the people of Bangladesh, and to everyone who believes in a freer, more prosperous Bangladesh.” So, he clearly expected the success of ‘regime change’ as planned by his country’s Deep State, when he left. 

The U S is trying to act, as if it has no role in this regime change, but seeing the flurry of AIR activities between Dacca, -Meridian Regional Airport in the U S and back to Chittagong in Bangladesh, all within the course of two days tells you something. The aircraft in question is an Ultra and the role it played would have been none other than carrying messages to and from the American team involved in the regime change in Bangladesh. Naturally such Top-Secret messages are not sent out on social media or on radio waves. And now, Noble Laureate and founder of Grameen Bank Muhammad Younus, who is very much an American stooge is now the advisor to the new Prime Minister. 

Why did America want Sheikh Hasina to go? She had spoken too much. She knew of the American plan to form a Christian nation to the east of India, clubbing portions of Manipur, Bangladesh and Myanmar. This is the Kuki land, which I had written about in my previous article. She had spoken about it with India. She knew too much and was popular in Bangladesh, so for two years America was planning this regime change.  This time when the mobs reacted to their planned and pre tested riots, they went for it.  Sadly, an unstable Muslim nation akin to Pakistan has been created next to us, to our east. 

America has always been an adept at destabilising prospering nations. Libya, Iraq, Egypt, Yemen, Syria and Afghanistan are just a few examples. What state America has brought Ukraine to, after the regime change of a popularly elected govt there, and placed Zelensky at the helm of affairs, is a glaring example. 

America wants a regime change in India too. They want BJP OUT and an alliance of their choice IN. Farmers strikes have been tested;Agni veer agitation has been tried out too. Shahin Bagh agitation in New Delhi has been tested too. Hijab agitation has been tried out in Karnataka too. Planned train accidents are a new phenomenon come to stay. Three states of West Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Kerala are in good hands as far as the Deep State is concerned. If terror attacks from Pakistan and Bangladesh can be increased and a good reason for a nationwide agitation found, then the “Indus Spring” will be well on its way to facilitate a regime change. After all we Hindus of India really know how not to unite and remain separate entities as gowda- billava-kodava-banta etc etc.

Let’s wait and see how the Indian regime change plays out.  All we can do is pray for India to remain strong.

Major Biddanda Nanjappa,
Recipient of  President’s Gold Medal
Convener FMCGT Forum.
The facts and views presented are of the author.

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