Election for KPCSSN on August 18



Election for 15 director posts of Kodagu Press Club SouhardaSahakari Sangh Niyamitha (KPCSSN) will be held on August 18 informed a press release from Ajjamada Ramesh Kuttappa, President of Kodagu Press Club.

Sanjay P. Kuraluppe, First Division Clerk of the Deputy Director of Audit, Co-operative Societies will act as the Election presiding Officer.

Elections will be held for 9 general constituencies, 2 from backward category A constituencies, 2 from women constituencies, 1 from scheduled caste constituencies and 1 from scheduled tribe constituencies. Nomination papers can be submitted from August 4 to 10.  from 11 am to 3 pm. Nomination papers will be accepted at the regular office of the co-operative.

Scrutiny of nominations will be done on August 11 at 11 am. After verification, the list of candidates who have duly submitted their nomination papers will be published on the notice board of the association.

Nomination papers can be withdrawn on August 12 by 3 pm.

After 3 pm the list of candidates in the contest will be published. Candidates will be allotted symbol after publication of list of eligible candidates and on 13th at 3 pm the list of candidates will be announced with symbol.

Voting will be held on August 18 from 9 am to 4 pm in the hall of District chamber of commerce building in Madikeri. Counting of votes will be done after polling informed a release.

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