Mass land conversion in Kodagu…CNC members stage protest



The members of Codava National Council (CNC) under the leadership of their president N U Nachappa formed a human chain protest against mass land conversion of coffee plantations in Kodagu at Kakkabbe.

Speaking on the occasion NU Nachappa said that the traditional dwellers and environment of Kodagu have been hugely impacted by the large-scale land conversion.

He said that coffee estates will be converted to give way for huge buildings and resorts. The destruction of trees will imbalance nature and destroy natural water flow.

Alleging that outsiders are investing in real estate in Kodagu, he said tourists are allegedly engaged in harassing the locals in Kodagu. The concerned departments should take measures to check such acts, he added.

At the same time, he asserted that the declaration of geopolitical autonomy of ‘Kodava Land’ and giving the ST tag to Kodavas is necessary to protect the rights of primitive Kodavas. A similar human chain protest will be held at Chettalli on July 6 and Ponnampet on July 15.

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