Government officials must focus on responding to public…Pawan Kumar



After receiving complaints in interaction programme at Madikeri Tehsildar office Lokayukta DySP Pawan Kumar has instructed the Madikeri City Municipal Council (CMC) commissioner to control the menace of stray dogs. He also directed to take necessary action along with the menace of stray dogs, the number of stray cattle has also increased and the cattle have to be shifted to cow sheds. 

DySP Pawan Kumar further instructed to take necessary steps to ensure adequate management of garbage disposal in relation to city cleanliness. 

Speaking on the occasion Madikeri CMC Commissioner informed that CMC has taken action as per rules to control stray dogs and also said regarding garbage disposal that 10 acres of land has been identified and NOC is due from the Forest Department.  

Speaking on the occasion one of the publics from Hebbettageri village complained that he had lost his house due to natural calamities in 2018 and 2019, but he has not been given a house so far. Reacting to it Lokayukta DySP Pawan Kumar contacted the Assistant Commissioner (AC) over phone. AC on the same occasion, informed that   he will meet directly and give the house on priority.

Speaking on the occasion Pawan Kumar said that the Lokayukta organization is not a problem giving organization to government officials, but it also appreciates officials who were doing good work for general public

Many complaints regarding change names in RTC, road connectivity etc. were submitted to the Lokayukta in the meeting. Tashsildar Praveen Kumar, TPEO Shekhar, various department officials were present on the occasion.

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