Summer! What a season. It is a continuous battle against the heat, dust and rivulets of sweat trickling down our foreheads, faces and bodies. Longing looks are given to the great vast skies above to send showers of rains. Despite all this, summer also brings with it great sights to savour and warm feelings to cherish. Carts with cut fruits make a colourful display. Heaps of watermelon are seen everywhere, tender coconuts are in great demand, and ice creams are at their best. Extreme heat will not only make our daily lives uncomfortable but also have serious implications for business, economy and household budgets. Prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures can lead to heat exhaustion and heat strokes. By relentlessly exploiting the earth’s natural resource, we have not only wiped our forest cover globally but also choked our water bodies and in doing so we have driven away species of flora and fauna towards extinction. Unsustainable human activities are continuously degrading and destroying forests worldwide. Numerous forests have been levelled to accommodate our species growing population, disrupting ecosystem and causing tremendous loss to biodiversity. Our planet’s biodiversity is under threat and ironically, we humans are the main offenders- the same species that depend the most on it, is behind the destruction. Slowing down biodiversity loss is perhaps one of the humanity’s greatest challenges today. Deforestation is an activity taking place in all parts of the world. The requirement of land and timber for agricultural and industrial purposes has drawn many to cut down not just a few trees but vast areas of forests. With the government cutting down all the trees and building new roads, there is a tremendous increase in temperature. Existing routes should be repaired and used. This is possible only if we stop building new roads as major routes. If we can favour our nature and as well as human wellbeing, we have to plant more trees in order to save our future generations. We have seriously harmed mother nature because of our prosperity to accumulate wealth to live a materialistic life. We cut our forests to feed our greed. Trees are felled to be transported and sold for obscene profits. Mother nature seems to be asking us to behave appropriately because she is getting impatient. It teaches us to save nature to save us. It gives hope as “Every cloud has a silver lining ” The bigger the cloud, the brighter the silver lining. Imagine a life without water in an extremely poisonous air to breathe, we certainly don’t want to give such a dangerous living to our children, so this is high time we should be more cautious and responsible.