133rd birth anniversary of Dr. B R Ambedkar celebrated at FMKMC college



133rd birth anniversary of Dr. B R Ambedkar was recently celebratedat Field Marshal K M Cariappa (FMKMC) College, Madikeri. Principal Major Prof. Raghava B speaking on the occasion opined that Constitution architect, Bharat Ratna Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s thoughts have shaped modern India. Principal also said that Dr. Ambedkar’s thoughts led to a total revolution in social, political, educational and economic sectors. He said that like him, we all need to move towards building a strong nation and leading a prompt life by keeping education as the main fodder in our life. Change is possible only through education. Therefore, the youth should show more interest in getting education, he advised. 

Prof. Tippeswamy, Head of Department of Economics speaking on the occasion said that Ambedkar is a role model for the life of equality and social justice and added that his thoughts are a model for leading a dignified life.

Ravi Shankar, coordinator of Post Graduate Kodava Language Department and Senior Professor of Computer Science Department of the college said that Ambedkar’s thought is eternal.

Dr. J. G. Manjunath, Head of the college’s chemistry department, informed about the importance of the constitution on the occasion. 

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