Mathigodu elephant Camp now open for publics




he Forest Department has now given permission for the public to view and get information about elephants in the Mathigodu elephant Camp of the Rajiv Gandhi National Park which is situated on the State Highway of Mysore Gonikoppa where elephants are being given training. About 17elephants are being given training in the camp. The timings for viewing the elephants in the Mathigodu camp has been fixed daily from 9:00 am to 10:30 am and 4 to 5.30 pm in the evening and the fees are Rs 100 for adults and Rs 50 for children. It has been reported that the camp was officially inaugurated on last March 11th and the visitors are now being allowed from April 1st.

Complete information of all the 17 elephants are installed all over the premises of the camp. A barricade has been erected in front of the elephant and tourists can stand in front of it and can take photos.  The camp has been developed at a total cost of one crore. This enclosure has a canopy for elephants to stand, space for elephants to be treated, space for cooking, space for tourists to relax.  Assistant Conservator of Forests Dayananda informed that more development work needs to be done and added that wildlife lovers can come to this camp to get information about elephants and enjoy the nature and advised not to harm elephants and as well as to the beautiful nature.

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