Unique campaign to increase voting…children write letters to parents



Students of the various hostels in the district were asked by the Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP)committee to send postcards to their parents, seeking their blessings, along with a request to them to exercise their franchise.

The unique post card campaign was an initiative by the, Kodagu district, to increase the voting percent- age. The post cards read “Beloved father and mother… please cast your vote on the Election Day”. A total of 12,500 students from sixth standard to PU, from nine residential schools and more than hundred students from the various hostels coming under the Social Welfare Department, have been a part of the campaign.

There are students from various districts from Bidar to Chamarajanagar, staying in these hostels. “Kindly vote for our bright future, the student mentioned in the post cards Kodagu district SVEEP committee chairman and ZP CEO Varnith Negi said that all the students in the hostels in Kodagu are sending post cards to their parents. This will motivate the parents to exercise their franchise in the elections.

SVEEP committee nodal officer Shekhar said that letters form an emotional bond and convey messages more convincingly, which the electronic gadgets cannot.

It reminds people of the olden days. Parents feel happy reading children’s letters and the message will be conveyed effectively, he added.

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