Through the lens of this Nation 45.





The Katchatheevu Island that lies between India and Sri Lanka close to the Rama Sethu along the Palk Straits is the latest issue of political contention, between the ruling DMK government of Tamil Nadu and the BJP party led by Shri Annamalai. Please see the map.

This is an island situated,6.2 KM South West of Jaffna and 3.3 KM North East of Rameshwaram. It is roughly 1 KM long and around 300 metres wide which is roughly 165 acres in area. It is an uninhabited Island due to absence of potable water in it. The only built-up structure is a small St Anthony’s Church built in the 1800s by the Sri Lankan people. On three occasions each year Christians from both India and Sri Lanka visit this church. The only importance it holds, to both the nations, is the fishing done by fishermen and women of both the countries in the seas surrounding this island. Even this fishing is done, predominantly by Tamils of both these countries. 

Then what is the issue? It is basically a political issue. With elections round the corner, BJP of Tamil Nadu is trying to score points, with the proud Tamils of the state, by stating that, the Chief ministers of DMK have continuously given away the rights of the state, ignoring the interests of Tamil people. During the 1700s there is proof that the island belonged to the Raja of Rameshwaram.  Later under the British rule the island came under the Ceylonese administration. In 1947, when India and Ceylon attained freedom from the British, the Ceylonese refused to give citizenship to nearly 6 lakh odd Indian Tamils working in the plantations of that country. In 1954 and in 1964 the late PM Nehru showed scant interest to claim this island as part of India. Later in 1974 and then again in 1976, during Indira Gandhi’s time, India signed agreements with Srilankan prime ministers ceding the island to Sri Lanka. At that time DMK govt in Tamil Nadu did protest publicly to show that it protected Tamil interest. But in connivance with Congress at the centre, the DMK CM visited Sri Lanka and clandestinely expressed that he would not lay claim to this island.

So now, it is a big political issue, both in Tamil Nadu and New Delhi, to prove that DMK gave up the Tamil pride and Tamil territories to please its bosses in Delhi. As well as for BJP in Delhi to flout before the nation, that the Gandhi family not only gave away Aksai Chin to China but also gave away Katchatheevu in the Indian ocean to Sri Lanka, thus paying scant respect to Indian Maritime interests, viz a vis, aggressive Chinese maritime interest in this very area, to snoop around with its Naval spy ships.

So how can India get back Katchatheevu? It can only take it back by a war with Sri Lanka or by a diplomatic coup, both of which is unlikely. Suffice to say, India will not claim it back, even if BJP wins both in Delhi and Tamil Nadu. But it will always like to hold it as a political tool, to condemn DMK and Congress in election campaigns now and in the future. 


I will try to explain the liquor scam of Delhi state in as simple terms as possible.

*.       Until recently…….. The total sales of Liquor in Delhi state, in the previous
years, was to the tune of RS 7860/-crores. From this the government of
Delhi (NCT) earned RS 3378/- crores as excise duty alone. This was
when DSIIDC controlled the sales of Liquor in Delhi. Those who ran
DSIIDC earned a profit of Rs 270 crores.

DSIIDC Liquor Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Delhi State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation (DSIIDC)-a
Government of NCT of Delhi undertaking.  

The National Capital Territory of Delhi (NCT) is a special union territory
of India jointly administered by the Central government, the NCT elected
government and Municipal corporations. 

Then The New Delhi Excise Policy 2021-22, was introduced by the present
Government of NCT of Delhi in November 2021, aimed to revolutionize
the liquor retail landscape in the capital. Its objectives were to maximize
revenue for the state, combat the sale of counterfeit alcohol, and enhance
the consumer experience

*         After the latest (NEW) Liquor policy was brought into force in Delhi, the
control of liquor sales went away into the hands of certain people, who
were friendly with the person running the government of New Delhi. The
total sales of Liquor now reached an all-time high of RS.13560/- crores. 
Almost close to double of what it was the previous year. But what excise
the Delhi NCT earned was a mere RS. 312 crores. So, the Delhi States
lost a revenue of RS.3066 crores straight away. Previously the DSIIDC had earned a profit of only RS.270 crores from the sales of Liquor in
Delhi. Now the people who were close to the person running the state of
Delhi earned a profit of RS.1900 crores.

* During the previous policy, the whole sale agency was entitled to earn a
profit of 2% from the liquor sales in Delhi. But under the new liquor policy
he was entitled to earn a profit of 12%. So earlier when the government
(DSIIDC) was handling whole sale distribution in New Delhi, it earned
RS.80 crores for the state. But now private entities, (friends of ruler of
Delhi) earned RS. 350 crores as 12% handling charges alone. So, they
easily made a windfall profit of RS. 1900+350=2250 crores. Government
of Delhi (NCT) lost a revenue of nearly 3500 crores in just one year. 


*   USA couldn’t stop Ukraine Russia War. 

*   Couldn’t stop Israel Palestine war. 

* Couldn’t subdue Taliban in Afghanistan. 

* Couldn’t stop the murder of Indian students in the US. 

* Couldn’t stop Gun violence in the US. 

* Couldn’t control and save US citizens during spread of Covid in
the US

*    Could not even make China accountable for Covid. 

But they have the gumption to say, we are closely monitoring the
arrest of Kejriwal in India. WHO CARES?


Major Biddanda Nanjappa,
Recipient of President’s Gold Medal,
Convener FMCGT Forum.
The facts and views presented are of the author.

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