World Glaucoma Week observed



The District Administration, Zilla Panchayat and District Health and Family Welfare Department and District Blindness Control Division said in a recent press release that World Glaucoma Week is being observed under the National Blindness Control Program this week.

The release added that Glaucoma can be called as the silent killer of sight. Glaucoma is one of the most worrisome eye conditions. This leads to loss of eyesight. Glaucoma usually occurs in people after the age of 40, and in many cases, it also comes due to hereditary fact.  Without any symptoms Glaucoma will come to any person and it is a vision-stealing disease

The release further stated that Glaucoma is a disease that steals sight without any symptoms, after the age of 40 everyone should check eye pressure once a year.

Treatment: Glaucoma can lead to complete blindness if not treated early. Glaucoma cannot be prevented, but early detection and regular treatment can prevent blindness. It can be corrected by putting life-saving medicine (audiothis) on the eyes and surgery. For more information, one can visit the nearest government hospital or call the free health helpline 104, the Department

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