Forestry college students stage protest



The students of Forestry T College, Ponnampet, recently staged protest boycotting the classes in front of the College Dean’s office.

Speaking on the occasion, student leader Kishan Gowda said the former BJP government reduced the reservation percentage for forestry students in the Forest Department from 75% to 50% and added that even in that, only 25% is provided to the graduates in forestry, while the rest 25 percent is provided to BSc graduates. This is a grave injustice to those who have studied forestry, he said.

He urged the government to reserve 100 percent of positions in the Forest Department to the students of forestry.

Even though efforts were made to submit a memorandum to Forest Minister Eshwar Khandre, he is not giving us an appointment. The Vice Chancellors of KeladiShivappanayaka Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences University are only giving assurances and are not providing justice, Gowda said.

The stir will not end until Forest Minister Eshwar Khandre and MLA A S Ponnanna arrive on the spot and listen to our demands, he said.Student leaders Navneeth, Chethan Gowda and Srivatsa were present.


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