Science exhibition held at Ekalavya Pre-University College



A science exhibition was recently held at Ekalavya Pre-University College, Balgodu.  Speaking on the occasion Benny Joseph, Headmaster of Sant Annamma High School, Virajpet, said that science is an important subject at present and also this would provide knowledge to the children and help in their intellectual development. Benny Joseph, opined that the nation can progress only through the development of science and addedthat byorganising this type of science model exhibition, new ideas and creativity can arise among children.

Presiding over the program, Principal Dr. Dilan said that as the use of science increases, the nation’s technology will also progress and inturn the nation will grow faster.

On this occasion, lecturers Reshma, B.B. Sachin and Bharat Kumar, Harsha who were the back bone of conducting science exhibition and other lecturers, teachers and staff were present.

Apart from the exhibition, science quiz, drawing competition, memory test and essay writing competitions were also conducted for the students. Prizes were distributed by the guests to the winning students.

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