Survey Jammabane land…… Krishna Byregowda



Revenue Minister Krishna Byre Gowda launched Bhu Suraksha project aimed to digitise land records in Virajpet taluk of Kodagu district recently. Speaking on the occasion, he said, “It will help in saving the old records in the Revenue Department. The Bhu Suraksha project is being implemented in one taluk each in 31 districts in the state. A dead line of 100 days is given for digitising the land records” The minister said that Bagair Hukum committees have been constituted in 129 taluks in the state and added that 120 bagairhukum committees and 65 land tribunals have been constituted in the last four months. Later he reviewed the progress of many important issues related to the revenue department in the Kodagu Zilla Panchayat Hall in Madikeri Speaking on the occasion, he said that the Bagair Hukum committees will be constituted if a proposal from a respective district is receivedand added that efforts will be made to solve Jamma Bane issue in the district. Speaking further he said that land belonging to around 25,000 people in the district is mired with Jamma Bane issue. “As the Jamma landholders do not have RTC, they are unable to avail of loans and other facilities from the governmentand directed the officials to conduct the surveys of Jamma Bane land.” Minister also said the RTC should include names of other family members along with that of the head of the family. Officials starting from Village accountant to Assistant commissioners should work as a team in this regard, he informed the officials After conducting Gram Sabha to obtain people’s consent, the survey will be conducted and the land be registered in the name of the cultivator. The officials from Survey and Revenue departments have been asked to work in coordination in this regard. Additional surveyors will be deployed for the survey work. Modern equipment will be provided to achieve accuracy in the measurement of land. The DC will be asked to provide a schedule to ensure solving of particular number of cases each month, the minister said. In case anyone is left out of crop loss compensation in the first instalment, they should be added to the list, said Krishna Byre Gowda adding that the funds under drought relief should be properly utilised. It is the desire of the government to provide government facilities and relief to the farmers of Kodagu district. In this regard, he said, the basic problems have to be solved. Many cases related to land have to be settled. MLA of Virajpet Assembly Constituency and Chief Minister’s Legal Adviser A.S. Ponnanna said that if the land is in the name of the lessees, a survey should be done in their name and added that if the tenant’s family is cultivating, they should also account in their name. Minister also informed that care should be taken to ensure availability of drinking water during summer. Madikeri MLA Dr. Mantar Gowda drew the attention of the minister towards the incomplete work on Madikeri Tahsildar’s office.And regarding Jammabane land he said that Jammabane land should be surveyed and farmers should be benefited from it. The new office building of Madikeri Tehsildar is not yet completed and requested for necessary cooperation in this regard.  MLC SujaKushalappa, said that a survey should be done on Jamma Bane, which has been a problem for many decades and said that all kinds of cooperation will be given in that regard. Survey Department Commissioner Manjunath said the survey of the Jamma Bane land, Paisari and non-paisari land, will also be surveyed and survey will be conducted on the model of the Podi free land campaign. Kodagu Deputy Commissioner (DC) Dr Venkat Raja said that the name of the lessee is in the record regarding Jamma Bhoomi and Jamabandhi needs to be checked and informed that the survey work should be carried out on the model of Podi Mukta Abhiyan. Deputy Director of Land Records informed that there are 24 license surveyors and 15 government surveyors in the district. CMC President Neravanda Anita Poovaiah, ZP CEO Varnith Negi, Additional DeputyCommissioner B N Veena, Deputy Divisional Officer Vinayak Narvade, Tehsildars Kiran Gouraiah, Ramachandra, Naveen also gave some useful information in the meeting.

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