Dont close Kodagu University …. S R Somesh



S R Somesh, BJP taluk general secretary warned of protests,  if Kodagu University which was set up during  previous BJP government  is facing closure due to   the recommendations of a cabinet subcommittee constituted to study the functioning and financial conditions of public universities in Karnataka.

S R Somesh, opines that the  most of funds  are used by the government  for the guarantee schemes as  a result, development works are not being taken.  Even the government is not in position to  pay the salaries of government employees. He also condemns that the Congress government has failed to release funds for the Kodagu University as per the recommendations of cabinet subcommittee.

Due  to the  hard work and the efforts of the then MLAs  Appachu Ranjan and KG Bopaiah, the BJP government announced a separate university for Kodagu.  Now he questions if  Kodagu University closed down,  what will the future of poor students  who were studying   will be inconvenienced. This will  further affect future generation of Kodagu .

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